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Damon L. Alexander

San Bernardino City Council | 7th Ward

Be The Change

Let your passion make a difference

In partnering with the Councilman's Office to change San Bernardino, as we strive forward to do that.  We invite you to collaborate with us.


We have partners around the city doing the work on the ground.  We have neighborhood crime watchers and reporters, volunteer police citizen patrols, and start your own neighborhood association.


We are going to change the neighborhoods and the environment of our city with an army of citizens spreading kindness and productivity to their surroundings.

Thank you and Be the Change you wish to see,

Damon L. Alexander, Th,M, MPA

City of San Bernardino | Council Member | 7th Ward


Damon L. Alexander, Th.M, MPA


Collaboration Opportunities

How Can You Help Your City?  

What can you help with?

Thanks for your support!

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